Front Page

This a blog where I semi-regularly spout gaming-related thoughts, an assortment of half-baked or overcooked ideas, play material, session reports, stentorian ramblings and muse-aloud missives. It’s a love letter to the ramshackle creativity, inspiration and occasional madness that animates and informs our hobby-niche. It’s a tip of the hat to everything weird and wonderful. It’s my attempt to throw some stuff out there in the creative landscape and hopefully repay a fraction of the debt I owe so many inspiring and creative souls.

I hope you’ll find something useful here, or at least entertaining.

Latest from the Blog

Beginnings Suck, and That’s Okay

One session into a campaign of Hero’s Banner, which my gaming pal Hans introduced me to and which I’m knowing GM’ing for a small group. It’s a neat game, hot from the fires of the now-defunct Forge community, and I encourage you to check it out. It’s all about tragic heroism in a faux-medieval settings,…

The Tribunes of Caradocia

“There are no self-proclaimed villains, only regiments of self-proclaimed saints.” – Glen Cook, The Black Company The Tribunes, the heirs of the False Rohins, are among Adosaye’s most principal antagonist. They are the result of the Council of Five’s sorcerous and depraved experiments in creating lieutenants and soul-vessels, and so they are all marked by…

Worldbuilding for Multiple Systems

One of the principles of the FKR (Free Kriegspiel Renaissance/Rediscovery/Revival/Rambunctiousness) is the principle that we should “play worlds, not systems”. It’s a sentiment with some kinship to the OSR idea that the established logic and lore of the setting and simulated world should precede, inform and help consistently adjudicate the game as it is during…

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